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HomeNews & Views

All news by: Tarryn Wright

Are We Still Being “COVID-Ethical”?

October is global ethics month, with Global Ethics Day being held on 20 October 2021. It is, therefore, a good time to focus on personal and business ethics and how ethically each of us is behaving through the pandemic. Being ethical means different things to different people, to me it means acting in the best interests of the most people, without harming yourself or others in the process.

Ethics in Valuations

Some of these are rather simple. You are engaged by the shareholders of a business and asked to value the business, as the shareholders wish to take out buy-and-sell cover.

It appears straightforward. However, at times there is an acrimonious split or a sale situation where the buyer and seller have very different values in mind. Emotions of the parties are running high and you are under pressure by one party to achieve a certain result.

Selling Your Business

Are you a small to medium-sized business owner? Selling your business is possibly not your priority right now, but in order to achieve a successful sale, you should start preparing early in order to optimise the value that you could receive. Let’s run through ten practical steps to help you achieve the best value on the ultimate sale of your business. Please note that this article is not in any way intended to be a technical treatise.


The preparatory steps, even if the thought hasn’t crossed your mind yet!
Are you a small to medium-sized business owner? Selling your business is possibly not your priority right now, but in order to achieve a successful sale, you should start preparing early in order to optimise the value that you could receive. Let’s run through ten practical steps to help you achieve the best value on the ultimate sale of your business. Please note that this article is not in any way intended to be a technical treatise. 


The preparatory steps, even if the thought hasn’t crossed your mind yet!
Are you a small to medium-sized business owner? Selling your business is possibly not your priority right now, but in order to achieve a successful sale, you should start preparing early in order to optimise the value that you could receive. Let’s run through ten practical steps to help you achieve the best value on the ultimate sale of your business. Please note that this article is not in any way intended to be a technical treatise.